June 17th, 2016
Miles Hiked: 19
Start Locaton: Mile 845
End Location: Mile 864
End Location GPS: 37.27068, -118.87630
Today was the easiest day in a long time. We followed the valley all the way down to less than 9000 feet, an elevation we have not seen for some time. We followed some beautiful rivers that gave views of torrent waterfalls and rapids, mist spraying in the sunlight creating rainbow shrouds above frothy white water.
We walked through a mix of hard and softwood forests, with aspen trees lining the trail with their bright lime green leaves rustling like crumpled candy wrappers in the soft breeze.
There was one river crossing we had to do but it wasn’t too bad, albeit deeper than any we have previously done, with the water getting up to my thighs.
We are camped just 2 miles from the summit of Seldan Pass. This will be a much easier pass as it is nearly 1000 feet lower in elevation than the previous 5 we have done. We are going to start early to get toVermillion Valley Resort at a reasonable time. Tommorrow is day 6 since last we had a decent meal and I cannot wait to eat something that isn’t cold mashed potatoes or pop tarts.