June 13th, 2016
Miles Hiked: 14.3
Start Location: Onion Valley
End Location: Dollar Lake Mile 796
End Location GPS: 36.83457, -118.40768
Today was tough. Glen Pass scared us and kicked out butt. The north facing bowl when you get over the top is just covered in snow. I don’t even want to use the word sketchy because it is kind of beyond that- more in the territory of perilous I would say (I am probably exhagerating). I’m actually glad we did it in the afternoon when the snow was soft. A slip could have sent you barreling down the bowl face out of control and into the rocks below.
It’s hard to be angry at the mountains because everything here is so beautiful. After we decended safely we saw several deer, a doe and two bucks, grazing in a grassy meadow overlooking a lake that had a large snow capped mountain behind it. It seriously is like we are in a Disney Movie.
We didn’t get our mileage in because Glen Pass took forever to get through. I really hope the other passes are not as difficult. It’s so slow walking through snow and then flooded trail.