15 Miles (237 Total)
Bear Hollow Shelter to Corliss Camp
The trail gave us 4 easy miles this morning on a logging road and rail trail. It was nice to just walk and not worry about killing your self tripping over a jagged rock or wet root.
The mosquitoes were out in force, which required full use of DEET and head nets. We both didn’t get much sleep last night on account of these vile creatures. There were no camping spots at the shelter so we had to get bitten on our face all night. There’s nothing like trying to fall asleep while a mosquito wheezes into your year.Zeee, zeee.
They land on your nose, cheek and forehead. Anywhere that there is bare skin. And before you can react to swat it away (or preferably kill the fucker), they’ve already bitten you and now you have a big, stupid, itchy red lump on your face.
It was quite terrible.
The walking was much easier today than it has been, even though there were several steep climbs. The trail was actually a trail and not a rock and root booby trap.
We made it to the campsite early, around 4. We would have liked to continue but the next shelter was too far away, and finding a place to camp away from the shelters is nearly impossible.There are some good camp spots here, and we are sleeping in the tent. I couldn’t do another night of mosquitos buzzing in my ear and eating me alive. One night was already too much.