July 21st, 2016
Miles Hiked: 24
Start Location: Mile 1382
End Location: Mike 1406
End Location GPS: 40.94510, -121.54641
Interesting and hot day traversing the rest of Hat Creek Rim. We could see Mount Shasta most of the day. Apparently it is the second highest mountain in the Cascade Range (Ranier is the tallest) and the fifth highest peak in California, standing at around 14,170. It looks so grand because of its prominence. It’s the tallest thing there is in the immediate landscape by a lot. In comparison you wouldn’t be able to pick out Mt. Whitney if you didn’t know what to look for.
I got an unfortunate case of butt chafing today. It was so hot that I sweated more than normal and the conditions must have been perfect for this to happen. I cleaned myself with wet wipes and the stinging that followed was otherworldly. I hope it is better by morning. If not we may have to spend the night in Burny which is 3 miles from here to heal up. We have good momentum and want to just resupply and head back out but you can’t walk with chaffed and blistered butt cheeks.